Alienation Press is a micro-publisher of fiction, pen & paper games, and more.
You can learn more about our work below.

Our Work


Guun is a fast and loose micro-RPG where the players are cybernetic gig workers, plugging their minds into cloned bodies, and acting as hired goons for the rich and powerful.

Guun RPG logo

No Home Beyond the Way image of a dark and spooky planet.

No Home Beyond the Way

A novella

A Lovecraftian sci-fi novella of planetary salvage, the horrors of regret, and a hidden settlement on an isolated world.

Guun RPG logo and tagline.


A Cyberpunk RPG that explores our most inane future

You live in a boring dystopia. Sure, your Soylent isn’t Soylent Green, but you have to rent a couch through an app because some tech megacorp decided that “the furniture space” needed disrupting. So you know, a dystopia – but not quite as cool as eating people.The careers of your grandparents gave way to the “side-hustles” of your parents, and now your generation lives in the uncertain rubble of a thousand apps that promised to make life easier. Deliveries in ten minutes, drones that find you dates, fitness-powered crypto-mining, and more are how you and everyone you know pay the bills.But now, you’re out of options. Your car doesn’t run, so no rideshare will have you, and you can only get so many three-star ratings delivering overpriced food to bougie assholes before jobs dry up. All that’s left is Guun. On-demand goons for the rich and powerful to kill, kidnap, and steal whatever their heart's desire. All you have to do is accept below minimum wage – and put your sanity on the line.

You live in a boring dystopia

Guun is a fast and loose one-page RPG where the players are cybernetic gig workers, plugging their minds into cloned bodies, and acting as hired goons for the rich and powerful. The game is meant to be picked up and played in a single session, even without any prior knowledge. You're able to create a scenario, build characters, and learn the system in roughly fifteen minutes.The main mechanic revolves around drawing cards, so all you need is a standard deck of cards (or an online card/random number generator) to build the job the players will be taking, the characters, and play the actual game. The rules are loose to encourage improvisation, creativity, and a slightly hectic atmosphere.

No Home Beyond the Way

No Home Beyond the Way placeholder image.

Coming Soon!

Rahm, the engineer aboard a small mining vessel, is approached by his captain about an illegal salvage opportunity on a quarantined planet. He's skeptical of how possible – let alone safe – the mission is, but his curiosity is too strong.The target is a planet entirely cut off from the rapidly expanding reaches of humanity. No laws, no taxes on their spoils, and no interference from other salvage operations could mean a lot of money – more than any of the crew has ever seen. And for Rahm, a chance to buy his way back home to California.Unfortunately for Rahm and his crewmates, their plunge into the isolated world won't go unnoticed.